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Title: Zapotecan Indigenous Intellectuality in the municipalities of Santo Domingo Ozolotepec, San Juan Ozolotepec and San Francisco Ozolotepec, Oaxaca
Intelectualidad indígena zapoteca en los municipios: Santo Domingo Ozolotepec, San Juan Ozolotepec y San Francisco Ozolotepec, Oaxaca
Keywords: Intelectualidad;indígenas zapotecas;función social;cultura;identidad;Intellectuality;Zapotecan natives;social role;culture;identity
Publisher: Universidad de Guadalajara
Description: The category of “intellectual” must not refer at present to a group or person exclusively, today an integral part of it are native people who detonate the development of their communities from their referents performing a social function within them. The Zapotecan Indigenous Intellectuality in the Sierra Sur region in the state of Oaxaca refers to a series of persons—midwives, musicians, social agents, healers— who have preserved their people’s culture and have transmitted it to the next generations so as to perpetuate it in time. This paper was done in the Ozolotepec region, located in the Oaxacan Sierra Sur, specifically in the municipalities of Santo Domingo Ozolotepec, San Juan Ozolotepec and San Francisco Ozolotepec, where it was possible to locate nativeZapotecans who have developed and transmitted empiri cal knowledge both in an oral and written manner. At the same time, it was possible to detect a particular native intellectual class given the characteristics of these indigenous communities.
La categoría “intelectual” en la actualidad no puede referirse a un grupo o una persona exclusivamente, hoy forman parte de ella indígenas que desde sus referentes sociales detonan el desarrollo de sus comunidades cumpliendo una función social dentro de las mismas. La intelectualidad indígena zapoteca en la región de la Sierra Sur del estado de Oaxaca se refiere a una serie de persona —parteras, músicos, gestores sociales, curanderos— que han preservado la cultura de sus pueblos y la han trasmitido a sus generaciones con el fin de perpetuarla en el tiempo.
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