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Title: Juan soldado, protector sobrenatural de los inmigrantes.
Juan Soldado: supernatural protector of the migrants.
Keywords: migración;religión;ilegal;migration;religion;illegality
Publisher: Revista da FAEEBA – Educação e Contemporaneidade, Salvador, v. 20, n. 35, p. 217-228, jan./jun. 2011
Description: Los trabajadores mexicanos han emigrado a Estados Unidos de América desde mediados del siglo XIX y como producto de la profunda tradición religiosa heredada de España, han buscado apoyo sobrenatural para lograr sus objetivos: cruzar la frontera de manera ilegal y obtener un puesto de trabajo que haga posible enviar recursos económicos a sus familiares. En este tenor se creó un “protector sobrenatural inédito”: Juan Soldado quien en vida había sido un asesino y violador confeso.
Mexican workers have migrated to the United States from the middle of the ninetieth century. As a consequence of the deep religious tradition herded from Spain, they have been looking for supernatural support in order to attain their objectives: to cross the frontier in an illegal way so to get a job which would make possible to send money to their family. In this context was created an “unedited supernatural protector”, Juan Soldado, who during his lifetime had been a confessed rapist and murderer.
Other Identifiers: González Pérez, C. & Reynoso Rábago, A. (2011). Juan Soldado, protector sobrenatural de los migrantes. Revista da FAEEBA – Educação e Contemporaneidade, 20 (35), Salvador, 217-228.
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