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dc.creatorJung, Sanghee-
dc.descriptionThis research analyzes practical approaches to enhancing the partnership between South Korea and Mexico, by focusing on a participatory approach that is regarded as an important component in development cooperation. In this regard, the objective of this research is to establish a new method of cooperation between South Korea and Mexico, based on a participatory approach newly discussed in the evolving development cooperation system. Finally, based on the participatory approach as a strategy for cooperation between South Korea and Mexico, the research suggested joint training programs to expand existing partnerships in the first stage, joint support to programs promoted by both countries in the framework of bilateral cooperation in the second stage, and further financial support by allocating funding in the third stage. en-US
dc.descriptionEn esta investigación se analiza la relación entre México y Corea del Sur, enfocándose en el área de cooperación internacional para el desarrollo. En la investigación se examina así una variedad de cambios que tienen lugar en la cooperación para el desarrollo de acuerdo con la tendencia de la globalización, y se evalúan las características típicas y las relaciones cooperativas entre Corea del Sur y México. Sobre la base del enfoque participativo, como estrategia de cooperación entre Corea y México, este estudio sugiere la necesidad de implementar programas conjuntos de capacitación que, en una primera etapa, amplíen la asociación ya existente. En una segunda etapa podrían crearse apoyos conjuntos para programas promovidos por ambos países en el marco de la cooperación bilateral. Asimismo, en una tercera etapa se verificaría la posibilidad de crear e implementar fondos conjuntos. Mexico and South Korea: The Participatory Approach in the Field of International Development Cooperation This research analyzes practical approaches to enhancing the partnership between South Korea and Mexico, by focusing on a participatory approach that is regarded as an important component in development cooperation. In this regard, the objective of this research is to establish a new method of cooperation between South Korea and Mexico, based on a participatory approach newly discussed in the evolving development cooperation system. Finally, based on the participatory approach as a strategy for cooperation between South Korea and Mexico, the research suggested joint training programs to expand existing partnerships in the first stage, joint support to programs promoted by both countries in the framework of bilateral cooperation in the second stage, and further financial support by allocating funding in the third stage.es-ES
dc.publisherUniversidad de Guadalajaraes-ES
dc.rightsDerechos de autor 2017 México y la Cuenca del Pacíficoes-ES
dc.sourceMéxico y la Cuenca del Pacífico; Vol. 6 No. 18 (2017): September-December; 65 - 86en-US
dc.sourceMéxico y la Cuenca del Pacífico; Vol. 6 Núm. 18 (2017): Septiembre - Diciembre; 65 - 86es-ES
dc.subjectCorea del Sures-ES
dc.subjectCooperación internacional para el desarrolloes-ES
dc.subjectEnfoque participativoes-ES
dc.subjectRelaciones cooperativases-ES
dc.subjectSouth Koreaen-US
dc.subjectInternational Development Cooperationen-US
dc.subjectParticipatory approachen-US
dc.subjectCooperative relationshipsen-US
dc.titleMexico and South Korea: The Participatory Approach in the Field of International Development Cooperationen-US
dc.titleMexico and South Korea: The Participatory Approach in the Field of International Development Cooperationes-ES
dc.typeArtículos evaluados por pareses-ES
Aparece en las colecciones:Revista México y la Cuenca del Pacífico

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