Browsing by Author VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael

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Showing results 2 to 21 of 70 < previous   next >
"Evocación al Paisaje"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"Mathematics Teaching Observations for an approach and rhochrematic"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"Pathos (susceptibility of the auditory) and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"Reflexión sobre la educación latinoamericana y la educación colombiana"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"Reflexión sobre los costos en la Educación Universitaria a distancia en Colombia"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"Retrospectiva del arte de la pintura sobre la arquitectura paisajista"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"Social Study-Geography-History in The Management and Evaluation of the Costs in Distance and Actual Education and through the Method “Break-even-point”, Comparative Education"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The abstractions and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The aesthetics and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The apexes and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The changes and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The chaotic and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The coherent and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The colors and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The construction and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The creative landscape and the pedagogic painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The creative rhochrematics and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The creativity and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The culture and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro
"The dimensions and the pedagogic landscape painting with applications in the mathematics popularization"VÁSQUEZ Martínez; Claudio Rafael-----libro; Libro